Wendy reports from the front lines in Washington, DC in the latest installment of her "A Call To Action" series:
Last week, I attended
Planned Parenthood's annual National Conference in Washington, DC.
I have to confess that
sitting on the Amtrak on the way to DC, I felt a bit dejected. At last
year's conference, Hillary spoke to an elated, optimistic and fired up group,
her first big speech after clinching the nomination. Being there for that
historic moment had brought me to tears. This year, of course, was much
different. The non-vote on the AHCA was a victory for all Americans, and
certainly for Planned Parenthood patients, but nonetheless, last year's
euphoria was missing.

And now, after the
conference, I can tell you, yes it is, keep it up.
As is so often the
case with so many issues, hearing people's personal stories provided
inspiration. Those stories were a reminder that I have a responsibility
to help those who may not be in a position to advocate for themselves at the
moment. And not for nothing, there's a self-serving aspect to this too:
psychologists have suggested that volunteering is one way to combat Trump-era
jitters. I don't know about you, but I feel a lot of those jitters.
At the Planned
Parenthood conference, we heard many, many stories. We heard the story of
a young woman, in her mid-twenties, who discovered a lump in her breast; she
couldn't miss work, she couldn't get an appointment quickly with her regular
health care provider, so she turned to Planned Parenthood who saw her
immediately at an early morning appointment. And then helped her
negotiate her way through the difficult steps that lay ahead.
We heard a story from
a young Latino woman who was unable to talk with her family about her sexual
orientation. She turned to Planned Parenthood. We heard a story from a
woman with no job, no familial support and no hope who faced an unintended
pregnancy. She turned to Planned Parenthood. We heard from a woman
who had an abnormal Pap test at Planned Parenthood and credited Planned
Parenthood with saving her life.
We heard from Cecile
Richards who said that Planned Parenthood is not the problem, it's the
solution. She got that right. Teenage pregnancies and abortions are on a
downward trajectory in the US, and that, in large part is due to education and
contraception provided by Planned Parenthood. It's worth noting, as no small
aside, that it's also due to Obamacare.
We began the
conference feeling cautiously optimistic about the non-vote on the AHCA
but on Thursday morning came the demoralizing breaking news alert
that Vice President Pence had cast the tie breaking vote for legislation that
would enable states to deny Title X funds to health care agencies which provide
abortions. This is not good news, folks, if we want to keep those teen
pregnancies and abortions on their downward trend. To state the obvious, to
avoid unintended pregnancies -- and the abortions that follow -- we need
education and we need contraception, two of the many services provided by
Planned Parenthood.
Lobby Day deluged the
Capitol with advocates dressed in Planned Parenthood pink. We spoke with
Representatives Nita Lowey (D - NY 17), Sean Patrick Maloney (D - NY 18),
Elliot Engel (D -NY 16), Tom Suozzi (D - NY 3), and Kathleen Rice (D - NY 4).
We then headed to a well-attended and energetic Pink Out rally at the foot of
the Capitol where we heard from Senator Patty Murray (D-Washington) and Senate
Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D - NY). And the following morning we
heard from Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D - NY).
Each politician had a
slightly different approach. Some asked to hear our own stories.
Others gave insight on the state of play.
But there was a common
mantra that ran through every one of these discussions and speeches, and it was
unsolicited and important: over and over, we were told that the calls matter,
the rallies matter, going to the Town Halls matter, the emails and letters
matter, the marches matter. Protest, protest often and protest
loudly. It all adds up to one big collective reminder to Congress and
state legislators that we're out here, we're watching, and we're sure as hell
going to vote in 2018.
So if like me, you've
had moments of doubt about the value of your efforts, the importance of calling
an already supportive legislator, the impact of walking in a march, doubt no
more. We heard it repeatedly, it's making a difference, we're being
heard, and we need to keep at it.
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