Our April Month in Review coincides
with the 100-day mark of the Trump Administration, a much ballyhooed signpost
of progress dating from the days of FDR.
Trump took great pains to diminish the importance of the milestone,
which is reliable evidence that he actually knows things have not gone well for him thus far. Simultaneously, and in nearly the same
breath, he maniacally lobbed potential accomplishments against the proverbial
wall as the 100 days counted down in the hope that something might stick. Nothing did, unless you call backing down on
your demands to avoid a government shutdown a “win.”

The most holy number in presidential
politics, apart from Election Day results, is the approval rating. Apart from being a daily scorecard on
presidential performance by the American public, the approval rating is an
indicator of the staying power of a president, his party and his policies.
Let’s start with this packed chart of
approval ratings of recent presidents at key first-term milestones:
First-term President
Inaug. Day
100 Days (April 30)
Chng Vs Inaug.
Just Before Mid-Terms
Mid-Term House Change
Before 2nd Term Election Day
There are a number of takeaways from
this chart. Each of Trump’s immediate
predecessors – Clinton, Bush 43 and Obama -- were reelected despite significant
declines in their approval ratings from their Inaugural to Election Day four
years hence. And they won despite having
approval ratings that were at the 50% mark, give or take.
But each of the three started with a
broad base of support, well over 50%, much higher than the percentage of people
that voted for them, in part because they spent their transition periods
“healing” the wounds of the electorate.
Trump did not do that and he did not see that increase, and in fact he
started his presidency with an approval rating just below his popular vote
percentage. Clearly he made no effort to
expand his support from beyond his base.
While his predecessors lost some of that new president sheen in time, each
of Obama, Bush and Clinton held onto
enough support to ensure reelection.
Whereas Donald Trump must actually win
over people who have, essentially, never approved of him.
And after 100 days he has utterly
failed in that quest. His approval
rating has dropped to 42%, and his disapproval rating (not shown) has risen
from 43% to 52%. He has won over no one,
and lost more than a few. After 100 days
he remains 10-20 approval points lower than his predecessors, and this after a
frenzy of activity that resulted in very little.
Now let’s look at the midterm
numbers. The correlation is pretty
clear. Obama and Clinton were both in
trouble by the midterms, clearly below 50% in approval, and each was clobbered
at the polls in midterm elections viewed as referendums on them, each losing
over 50 House seats and control of the House.
Bush, on the other hand, buoyed by his initial responses to 9/11, before
the bloom was off the Iraq War rose, still enjoyed high approval ratings (63%)
and this translated into midterm gains in the House (+8), which is practically
unheard of for first-term presidents.
With his approval rating down to
42%, Trump is hardly out of the game.
But he is under water – his net negative after 100 days is unprecedented
in the last 70 years (as was his <50% rating at this inaugural). These 100 Days have been agonizing
for all. His opponents, while energized
in opposition to him and heartened by his failure, have nonetheless had to
endure his ascendency, his goals and his incompetence. And
his supporters, while sticking with him thus far, have clearly noticed that he
has not taken Washington by storm.
Whatever one feels he has
accomplished in this “honeymoon” period – and we will get to this – he has not
made any progress in winning over the American people, and he has lost
some. And he has left himself in a
position where breakthrough progress before the midterms will be exceedingly
difficult, his hand filled with losing propositions and no-win situations, and the only decisions he can make are of the “best from a bad set of
options” variety.
After the March health care debacle,
with April came an opportunity for Donald Trump, at least sort of. Just when he needed a crisis overseas most to
deflect attention from the TrumpCare disaster, both the Syrians and the North
Koreans complied, the former by unleashing chemicals weapons on its own people,
and the latter with escalating efforts at creating an intercontinental nuclear
If ever one needed a tidy metaphor
for the Trump response to these crises, or his “foreign policy” in general, look
no further than the USS Carl Vinson, which appeared to be headed one way and
was found to be going another. With
head-spinning flexibility that an owl would envy, the Trump Doctrine of
“America First” was promptly shed in the face of Actual Events. Far from embracing his campaign promise of a
lesser global role for the USA, as he instead focused on the homeland, Trump –
based apparently on an emotional reaction to pictures of dying, gassed children
– lobbed a bunch of Tomahawks at a Syrian airstrip (much to the chagrin of the
Ann Coulter’s of this world), dropped the Mother of All Bombs on ISIS rebels
(his generals acting on their Trump-given autonomy), ratcheted up the tension
level around North Korea and sent the Carl Vinson on its wayward journey. So much for MAGA.
None of this seems to have made much
of a difference. Assad still does what
he wants, ISIS is far from defeated, the Chinese are still reluctant to impose
their economic will over North Korea and Kim Jong-Un keeps flinging test
missiles into the Sea of Japan. Trump
recovered a few points in his dismal approval ratings by virtue of his
so-called “show of strength” and the world wondered what would be the outcome
of this existential version of “Mad Men” (a better title might be “The Real Mad
Men of Planet Earth.”)
Along the way Trump abandoned his
view of China as a currency manipulator, learned the hard way that Vladimir
Putin cannot be “re-set,” that NATO was no longer obsolete, that the
Export-Import Bank was a good thing, that NAFTA should not be cancelled, and on
and on. Upon meeting with Chinese
President Xi Jinping to discuss, among other things, North Korea, he admitted
that “after listening for 10 minutes, I realized it’s not so easy,” echoing his
epically naïve conclusion a month before that “nobody knew health care could be
so complicated.” Did he really think the
world was so simple, that everyone was really so dumb as to ignore obvious
solutions, that only he held the magic key to problems that had vexed heads of
states for decades?
April offered Trump one clear win –
the appointment and Senate approval of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court,
though this came at the expense of the Senate As We Know It. With only 50 votes now required to ratify justices
to SCOTUS, we now have the formalization of the Era of Extremists Justices, in
which justices will only be added when the President in power has 50 Senate
votes as well. And then that President
will be free to add only latter day Scalia’s and Brennan’s, officially turning
the courts into political parties who will ignore stare decisis and follow their own version of the
Constitution. Even “swing vote” justices
like Anthony Kennedy (and before him, Sandra Day O’Connor) will disappear.
Apart from the Gorsuch win, Trump
endured another mindnumbing set of humiliations in April, including:
Two much closer than expected House
special elections to replace Trump-appointed Cabinet members, in safe GOP
districts in Kansas and Georgia, one of which, Georgia’s 6th,
resulted in a runoff and a potential flip in June.
Another failed Obamacare “Repeal and
Replace” effort, in which the GOP developed a more conservative bill to win
over the Freedom Caucus, only to discover that GOP moderate were even more
unhappy than before (surprise!) – and thus once again realizing there was no
point is holding a doomed vote
Tax reform got off to a difficult
start, as Trump rashly decided to announce his own “plan” at the exact time his
GOP colleagues were trying to avoid a government shutdown and muster votes
together on the TrumpCare bill (on Day 97).
The resulting set of bullet points, which essentially would result in an
income transfer from the IRS to Really Rich People to the tune of trillions,
was widely panned by both parties
A shutdown was averted, mainly
because Trump was forced to blink on securing funds for The Wall, and denying
funds for Obamacare insurees, totally avoidable battles that Trump unwisely and
futily joined in his quest for 100-Day “accomplishments.”
And, oh yes, the Russia
investigation got ever closer to paydirt (a.k.a., a ”smoking gun”) with the
unearthing of further insidious behavior by one Carter Page and the cesspool
known as Michael Flynn, who, along with Roger Stone and Paul Manafort, may go
down in history alongside E. Howard Hunt, G. Gordon Liddy, H.R. Haldeman, John
Mitchell and Charles Colson (among others) as the men who brought down a
presidency from within.
And finally, on the immigration
front, yet another federal judge stymied Trump by overturning his attempt to
deny funds to so-called sanctuary cities, and the travel bans remained on the
Did I forget to add that Bill
O’Reilly followed Roger Ailes to ignominy, and FOX News – the most influential
pro-Trump voice in the land – is in free fall?
And, remarkably enough, April was a
better month for Trump than March!
As if that was not all bad enough, The
Trumpometer took a tumble from +3 to -11, driven by the news of a tepid Q1 GDP
of 0.7%. Trump cannot be blamed for the
state of the Q1 economy, though he has claimed full credit for the
post-election surge in the Dow, the declining unemployment rate and rising
consumer confidence. There is no partial
ownership in this game. We are
officially in worse economic shape (if modestly) than we were on Inauguration
Day, and it is on Trump to improve it.
"Clinton-ometer" 1/20/2001
"Bush- ometer" 1/20/2009
"Obameter" 1/20/2017
"Trump-ometer" 3/31/2017
"Trump-ometer" 3/31/2017
Unemployment Rate
Consumer Confidence
Price of Gas
Dow Jones
100 Days and Beyond
Donald Trump can point to three
accomplishments in his first 100 days:
the appointment of Gorsuch, bowing out of the TPP trade deal, and
rolling back Obama’s environmental Executive Orders with a stroke of his own
Each “win” is qualified in some
way: the Senate had to use the nuclear
option to push Gorsuch through, which will make it, as noted, nearly impossible
to appoint moderate judges in the future; with respect to trade, he has yet to
“cancel” NAFTA and instead will try to renegotiate it; and, in a similar vein,
he has not followed through on a campus promise to withdraw (somehow) from the
Paris Accords. Thus, in terms of his
campaign promises, these are all modified wins.
Do we really need to reprise the
many failures along the way? Trump’s 100
Days stand as a blueprint for squandered opportunities, amateurish handling of
newly-won power, and appealing to the base rather than making any attempt to
unify a nation. When times are tough for
Donald Trump, his instinct is to head for the road, reprise his campaign
speech, recall Election Day glory, bask in the love of the undisappointable and
pretend that words speak louder than inaction.
Maybe the base will tire of this, but as of now, they are still eating up
the whole rancid stew.
But no one else is. And that does indeed matter. Presidential lack of accomplishment is
merciless. Even with the Camp David
Accords, Jimmy Carter failed in his reelection attempt. Even with the wildly successful Gulf War,
George H.W. Bush failed to win a second term as well. Donald Trump needs a major win in the worst
way, but thus far, his way (which is indeed, the worst way) has resulted in a
string of embarrassing failures. Topping
the list are the whiffs on repealing and replacing Obamacare (twice) and his
utter failure on immigration, with the series of judicial denials of successive
travel bans and sanctuary city defunding.
Where does the Trump presidency go
from here?
The presidential playbook calls for
adjustment. Learn from your mistakes. Reagan learned how to orchestrate legislative
deals by working with Tip O’Neill.
Clinton recognized the need for more discipline within his White House
and jettisoned Chief of Staff (and childhood friend) Mack McLarty for old hand
Leon Panetta. Presidencies do wax and
wane, and bad starts do not doom a presidency.
Trump is not a failure – yet. But
he has to demonstrate some ability to grow within the job (not the same as
simply flipping positions) and figure out how to accomplish things, and his
nearing-the-end-of-the-100-Days frenzy demonstrated conclusively that he has
learned nothing to date. The “tax plan”
was, in fact, embarrassing, and more evidence that he has no capacity to change
and grow.
From a legislative standpoint, Trump
essentially must place all of his chips on tax reform, bad start or not. This will be a long, complex process, with
many competing forces at work within the Republican Party (as with health
care). He must also avoid a plan that
requires 60 votes, and that is no mean feat, since he was denied the tax cut
that replacing Obamacare would have brought.
That makes it harder for the tax legislation to be eligible for
reconciliation (and thus only 50 votes).
Another tack would be to drop the
Freedom Caucus and pursue bi-partisan legislative victories, perhaps by
revising Obamacare or creating an infrastructure bill (one that actually spends
money as opposed to providing tax credits).
But this would certainly risk infuriating the base with no guarantee of
winning anyone over from the middle.
Or he could hope for an overseas
crisis that he can win, a la Bush. Bush
41 masterfully executed the Gulf War which was a huge boon to his presidency,
albeit one that he could not sustain through a souring economy (and his out of
touch responses to it). Bush 43
responded well to 9/11 and was given the highest approval rating ever for his
initial efforts, but his ill-fated pivot to Iraq and WMD almost lost him his
second term and certainly consigned his presidency to the scrap heap. Foreign crises are opportunities, to be sure,
but as Bush 43 and Jimmy Carter can certainly testify, they are full of risk as
well. Cool, experienced heads –
Eisenhower, Kennedy, the strategic side of Nixon, Bush 41 – tend to
prevail. Inexperience tempered by sheer
intelligence and sound advice – Clinton and Obama – can prevent disasters and
hold alliances together. But unchecked
inexperience – the messianic George W. Bush as Exhibit A – is disastrous. Which model do you think Trump most
The shot across the bow for the
Trump presidency, however, was the Q1 GDP report of only 0.7% growth. While the job market remains strong, if it
too softens, Trump will be totally on the hook to improve the economic fortunes
of the country, his supposed wheelhouse.
He cannot preside over a worsening economy and win re-election. The slowing GDP can give him ammunition in
his tax “reform” efforts, but failure to stimulate the economy and a worsening
economy would truly expose him as a fraud.
The Trump presidency must also
navigate the infighting of his own top aides, the lack of a clear chief of
staff to provide order, the ongoing Twitter madness, the
make-it-up-as-you-go-along decision making style, the ongoing Russia
investigation, murky conflicts of interest, the insanity of the “let’s give it
to Jared” approach to every thorny issue, the reemergence of his failure to
release his own income taxes in the context of his tax plan, and countless other
self-inflicted obstacles to its own success.
His presidency could hinge,
fundamentally, on whether he can impose any discipline or order at all on his
own shop. And since he is the least
disciplined member of his team, that seems to be a tall order.
It doesn’t look good for Trump from here, as
we count down to the mid-terms.
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