On the
eve of the Comey Testimony, we bring back the “Smoking Gun” tape transcript,
the June 23,1972 (six days after the Watergate break-in) Oval Office conversation
between Nixon and Haldeman that brought down Nixon, who announced his resignation just three
days after this tape was publicly released.
I will let the transcript speak for
itself, but first a few observations, focused on the differences between Nixon,
a chess player, and Trump, who does not seem to know how to play checkers.
First, Haldeman is bringing a
recommendation to Nixon (on how to shut down the FBI's investigation into Watergate) that he has already discussed with, at least, Ehrlichmann. Trump appears to be flying solo in his quest to do the same.
Second, and related, the plan is not to have Nixon speak to FBI Director Pat Gray directly.
Haldeman (and Ehrlichmann) will do the deed, presumably to give Nixon “plausible
deniability.” Trump spoke directly to Comey, giving himself no such out.
Finally, Haldeman and Nixon (and Pat Gray) understand they need some sort of rationale for why the FBI
investigation needs to be shut down, and they focus on the Cuban ties and a possible link to the Bay of Pigs. Trump seems to have just asked Comey to shut
it down, period, apparently since Flynn is a “nice guy.”
Nixon and Trump are both despicable in their desire to subvert the law. But Nixon was just better at it – except for the taping part. And who knows whether Trump proves to have been that dumb, too, and he taped his Comey conversations as well.
And here it is...the "Smoking Gun" conversation:

Nixon: That’s right.
Haldeman: thing.
Nixon: Right.
Haldeman: That the way to handle this now is
for us to have Walters call Pat Gray and just say, “Stay the hell out of
this…this is ah, business here we don’t want you to go any further on it.”
That’s not an unusual development,…
Nixon: Um huh.
Haldeman: …and, uh, that would take care of
Nixon: What about Pat Gray, ah, you mean he doesn’t want to?
Haldeman: Pat does want to. He doesn’t know
how to, and he doesn’t have, he doesn’t have any basis for doing it. Given
this, he will then have the basis. He’ll call Mark Felt in, and the two of them
…and Mark Felt wants to cooperate because…
Nixon: Yeah.
Haldeman: he’s ambitious…
Nixon: Yeah.
Haldeman: Ah, he’ll call him in and say,
“We’ve got the signal from across the river to, to put the hold on this.” And
that will fit rather well because the FBI agents who are working the case, at
this point, feel that’s what it is. This is CIA.
Nixon: But they’ve traced the money to ’em.
Haldeman: Well they have, they’ve traced to a
name, but they haven’t gotten to the guy yet.
Nixon: Would it be somebody here?
Haldeman: Ken Dahlberg.
Nixon: Who the hell is Ken Dahlberg?
Haldeman: He’s ah, he gave $25,000 in
Minnesota and ah, the check went directly in to this, to this guy Barker.
Nixon: Maybe he’s a …bum.
Nixon: He didn’t get this from the committee though, from
Haldeman: Yeah. It is. It is. It’s directly
traceable and there’s some more through some Texas people in–that went to the
Mexican bank which they can also trace to the Mexican bank…they’ll get their
names today. And (pause)
Nixon: Well, I mean, ah, there’s no way… I’m just thinking if
they don’t cooperate, what do they say? They they, they were approached by the
Cubans. That’s what Dahlberg has to say, the Texans too. Is that the idea?
Haldeman: Well, if they will. But then we’re
relying on more and more people all the time. That’s the problem. And ah,
they’ll stop if we could, if we take this other step.
Nixon: All right. Fine.
Haldeman: And, and they seem to feel the
thing to do is get them to stop?
Nixon: Right, fine.
Haldeman: They say the only way to do that is
from White House instructions. And it’s got to be to Helms and, ah, what’s his
name…? Walters.
Nixon: Walters.
Haldeman: And the proposal would be that
Ehrlichman (coughs) and I call them in
Nixon: All right, fine.
Haldeman: and say, ah…
Nixon: How do you call him in, I mean you just, well, we
protected Helms from one hell of a lot of things.
Haldeman: That’s what Ehrlichman says.
Nixon: Of course, this is a, this is a Hunt, you will-that
will uncover a lot of things. You open that scab there’s a hell of a lot of
things and that we just feel that it would be very detrimental to have this
thing go any further. This involves these Cubans, Hunt, and a lot of
hanky-panky that we have nothing to do with ourselves. Well what the hell, did
Mitchell know about this thing to any much of a degree.
Haldeman: I think so. I don‘t think he knew
the details, but I think he knew.
Nixon: He didn’t know how it was going to be handled though,
with Dahlberg and the Texans and so forth? Well who was the asshole that did?
(Unintelligible) Is it Liddy? Is that the fellow? He must be a little nuts.
Haldeman: He is.
Nixon: I mean he just isn’t well screwed on is he? Isn’t that
the problem?
Haldeman: No, but he was under pressure,
apparently, to get more information, and as he got more pressure, he pushed the
people harder to move harder on…
Nixon: Pressure from Mitchell?
Haldeman: Apparently.
Nixon: Oh, Mitchell, Mitchell was at the point that you made
on this, that exactly what I need from you is on the–
Haldeman: Gemstone, yeah.
Nixon: All right, fine, I understand it all. We won’t
second-guess Mitchell and the rest. Thank God it wasn’t Colson.
Haldeman: The FBI interviewed Colson
yesterday. They determined that would be a good thing to do.
Nixon: Um hum.
Haldeman: Ah, to have him take a…
Nixon: Um hum.
Haldeman: An interrogation, which he did, and
that, the FBI guys working the case had concluded that there were one or two
possibilities, one, that this was a White House, they don’t think that there is
anything at the Election Committee, they think it was either a White House
operation and they had some obscure reasons for it, non political,…
Nixon: Uh huh.
Haldeman: or it was a…
Nixon: Cuban thing-
Haldeman: Cubans and the CIA. And after their
interrogation of, of…
Nixon: Colson.
Haldeman: Colson, yesterday, they concluded
it was not the White House, but are now convinced it is a CIA thing, so the CIA
turn off would…
Nixon: Well, not sure of their analysis, I’m not going to get
that involved. I’m (unintelligible).
Haldeman: No, sir. We don’t want you to.
Nixon: You call them in.
Nixon: Good. Good deal! Play it tough. That’s the way they
play it and that’s the way we are going to play it.
Haldeman: O.K. We’ll do it.
Nixon: Yeah, when I saw that news summary item, I of course
knew it was a bunch of crap, but I thought ah, well it’s good to have them off
on this wild hair thing because when they start bugging us, which they have,
we’ll know our little boys will not know how to handle it. I hope they will
though. You never know. Maybe, you think about it. Good!
Nixon: When you get in these people when you…get these people
in, say: “Look, the problem is that this will open the whole, the whole Bay of
Pigs thing, and the President just feels that” ah, without going into the
details… don’t, don’t lie to them to the extent to say there is no involvement,
but just say this is sort of a comedy of errors, bizarre, without getting into
it, “the President believes that it is going to open the whole Bay of Pigs
thing up again. And, ah because these people are plugging for, for keeps and
that they should call the FBI in and say that we wish for the country, don’t go
any further into this case”, period!
Haldeman: OK.
Nixon: That’s the way to put it, do it straight
Haldeman: Get more done for our cause by the
opposition than by us at this point.
Nixon: You think so?
Haldeman: I think so, yeah.
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