Tom on
the ways the GOP bubble could burst.
The news of Anthony Kennedy’s imminent retirement from the
Supreme Court was not exactly a surprise, but it was still a shock. The implications were immediately processed
by all – the long-held GOP dream of an unshakable majority of five conservative judges was going to become a reality, in short order. And with it comes the potential for conservative opinions
that re-shape and undo progressive advances of the last 60 years, already well
underway under the Roberts Court, to accelerate unchecked, perhaps for decades.
The Fumble
The first hurdle is to nominate a candidate without a
blemish, one who can actually make it through the confirmation process. Finding nick-free nominees is surprisingly
difficult, and modern GOP presidents are particularly bad at it. Richard Nixon had two nominations fall apart,
Clement Haynsworth and G. Harrold Carswell, both rejected by the Senate in turn upon
discovery of their racist histories. Ronald
Reagan fared poorly as well, first with his Robert Bork nomination failing when a Democratic-controlled
Senate disapproved of Bork’s hard right views.
Reagan then put forward Douglas Ginsburg, who had to withdraw when he
admitted that he had smoked marijuana (inhaling and all). Reagan finally had to nominate a relative
moderate candidate who flew through the Senate confirmation process -- a man by
the name of Anthony Kennedy.
The two George Bush's also ran afoul of the process. Bush 41 nominee Clarence Thomas barely survived a
bruising confirmation process, fending off sexual harassment charges that
would have quickly sidelined him today.
And Bush 43 struck out when he nominated his own White House Counsel (and
one time personal lawyer) Harriet Miers, who, it turned out, did not know a
heck of a lot about the law, and had to withdraw.
Vetting is better these days, so they say, pointing to
Trump’s smooth win with Robert Gorsuch.
Perhaps, but it does not take much to take down a nomination, and you
can bet the Dems and the media will crawl all over Trump’s nominee as never
before. If they find something that
forces a withdrawal, Trump may not have time to get another nominee through
before the midterms. And then, the Dem
fantasy would be to take over the Senate in November (not likely but possible) and force Trump
to put forward a far more moderate nominee – if they accept any Trump nominee
at all in the balance of his first term.
Vengeance, Part I
You remember Senator Jeff Flake, the lame duck GOP Senator
from Arizona who perhaps heads the list of Trump’s public GOP adversaries? Flake, as it happens, is a member of the Judiciary Committee, which must recommend out the Supreme Court nominee to the
full Senate. There are 21 Senators on
the committee, 11 Republicans and 10 Democrats, so Flake has the power to hold
up any nomination, for any reason, including no reason at all. Flake, of course, hates Trump, and vice
Now this could destroy any political aspirations Flake may harbor,
and some think he may indeed mount an intra-party challenge to Trump in 2020. But who knows, perhaps Flake would argue that
denying Trump an arch conservative pick would be consistent with a strategy of putting
moderation, civility and compromise back in American politics.
Vengeance, Part II
Senator John McCain is also, at this point, a lame duck GOP
Senator from Arizona, and he hates Trump as well. He hates him so much he has already announced
that he would like Barack Obama and George W. Bush to give eulogies at his
funeral, rather pointedly excluding Trump, with whom he has been feuding for
Can you imagine a scenario where the GOP needs McCain’s
vote to secure Trump’s nominee? Say
Susan Collins (or Flake or Corker or Murkowsky) sticks a stick in the confirmation
bicycle wheel, and the vote looks to be 50-49 without McCain, who has not been
in Washington, DC for months due to his illness.
Imagine history repeating itself…John McCain flies across
the country to cast the deciding vote, as he did with the final GOP health care
vote – and sticking that famous thumb down once more.
The Keep-Roe Pledge
The number one issue on the table for a hard-right GOP
court would certainly be overturning Roe
v. Wade, which, despite some chipping away, has remained the cornerstone of
abortion rights in America since its passage in 1973 (by a Court that included
six justices that had been nominated by GOP presidents, Eisenhower and Nixon).
But the Roe overturn is not a given. At least two GOP Senators, Susan Collins of
Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, are on-the-record as pro-choice, and both
represent states that, according to Pew polling, favor Roe by solid majorities
(each over 60% pro-Roe). Theoretically,
one or both of them could insist on some kind of “keep-Roe” pledge from a
nominee in the confirmation hearings and deny that nominee’s confirmation if
they declined.
Of course, the Dems have Senators vulnerable on this
issue. Three Democratic Senators –
Manchin of West Virginia, Donnelly of Indiana and Heitkamp of North Dakota, all
voted to confirm Gorsuch, all represent states that do not favor Roe, and all
are embroiled in tough re-election fights in November.
The pressure on all five of these Senators will be excruciating. But if McCain does not make it back for a
vote, and four of them voted against, Trump’s nominee would be denied.
The Roberts
Court, For Real
Let’s say none
of those potential obstacles slow the conservative justice confirmation train,
and the court soon seats the Mighty Right Five of Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch,
Roberts and New Judge. Things could still
go wrong for the conservative faithful.
John Roberts has
been reading the accolades for Anthony Kennedy for days now. How many times has the Court been referred to
in that time as “The Kennedy Court,” in reference to the number of decisions
that hinged on Kennedy’s vote (many of which Kennedy authored)? Justice Kennedy has been the power center of
the Roberts Court, not Roberts.
But with Kennedy’s
retirement and a hard right replacement, John Roberts could become the new
“swing vote” in the new Court, and he surely knows that. As Chief and
swing vote, he will hold more power than any justice in a century or more. Roberts can decide cases and assign himself
those opinions, opinions that ultimately could define his tenure more than
anything that has happened in his first 14 years as Chief.
Roberts has
already shown an ability to surprise and disappoint the conservatives, most
notably in his failure to join his conservative colleagues in overturning
Obamacare in 2012. Roberts found a loophole he could defend, (determining that
the “mandate” was a “tax” and therefore acceptable), but clearly he could have
sided with conservatives to strike the law.
But he did not; perhaps he did not want to be known as the Chief
Reverser. Roberts has a healthy respect
for the sacred legal principle of stare
decisis (essentially, the power of preserving precedent), and also for the
legislative process that properly produced Obamacare. Might he find the middle ground more often
than expected, and become the new Kennedy, just as Kennedy replaced Sandra Day
O’Connor in the middle?
Drifting Left
Another frequent
phenomenon has been the well-documented tendency of some Republican-appointed
nominees either being more liberal than presumed from the outset, or drifting
left over time. The list is long: Earl Warren, Harry Blackmun, Douglas Souter
and John Paul Stevens are among those that shocked their sponsors, all GOP presidents. (No justice ever seems to drift rightward.)
Could it happen
here? It has not happened to Clarence
Thomas, for sure, nor to Samuel Alito in his 12 years on the bench. Roberts again is the most likely candidate.
And that brings us to Clarence Thomas. He could be impeached. If the Democrats manage to take over the
House, the Democrats could try this path. It is has been rather convincingly
shown that Thomas lied under oath in his own defense of the sexual harassment
charges in his own confirmation hearings.
In the aftermath of the #MeToo era, Thomas could become a target. You never know. Imagine the irony of, say, President Joe
Biden naming Thomas’ successor – Biden, of course, presided over Thomas’
confirmation hearings as head of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
All of these scenarios are long shots, individually, of
course, but history shows there is no sure thing with the Supreme Court. Add up the odds of each of these and they
probably begin to approach materiality.
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